What would happen if we have 2 group of animals; one is given
food but not let it to take sleep and second group is given appropriate
environment for proper sleep but it is kept deprived of food. We know that the ultimate
fate of both is death but do you know who will die first; the first group who
is kept away from sleep. Sleep is one of the greatest blessings of God because during
sleep our body and our mind both will take proper rest and get ready for next
working day by providing nutrition and oxygen to all cells of body, hence
overall cellular stress is reduced.
Medically, if someone is having chronic Lack of sleep, it is
known as insomnia. Although Insomnia is itself a disorder but sometimes it is a
symptom of other diseases such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and hypertension,
restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea and schizophrenia. In young adults the most
common causes of insomnia is habits of late night using mobile phones and
computers. In other words we can say that Facebook, WhatsApp, Snap chat,
twitter and all other chatting applications and sites are major cause of
insomnia. Because a continuous late night awakening disturbs our circadian rhythm;
our body clock that tells us when to sleep, when to awake and when to eat. Due to change in circadian cycle the level of hormones
in our body are changed; especially melatonin that is responsible to induce
The long term and persistent insomnia is also the root cause
of many disorders such as agitation in mood, anxiety and depression, gradual loss
of memory, difficulty in concentration. It also has the ability to aggravate
hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiac arrest, apnea and asthma. It reduces the
overall immune system of the body and make our body to more prone toward viral
infections such as herpes, cold and flu and general fatigue, lethargy, weakness,
loss of appetite and even vertigo.
Treatment of Insomnia needs both behavioral changes and in
severe cases medical intervention as well. Certain changes in behavior are
really helpful to treat insomnia such as;
- Fix one time to go to bed and try not to change it.
- Don’t take brain stimulants like caffeine, taurine or guarana extract before two hours going to bed.
- Switch off your screen one hour before going to sleep.
- Try to follow strictly your sleep cycle. Everyone has different sleep cycle. It may vary from 6 hours to 8 hours from person to person and from one age group to other age group.
- Select your place for sleeping away from noise.
It is important to know the cause first then an appropriate
medicine can be selected. Sometimes intake of only melatonin, or valerian
root or combination of both is enough to treat insomnia and in many countries it is available
as OTC drug, but sometimes other medicines are given to address the underline
cause of insomnia and in this case opinion of doctor or pharmacist is compulsory.
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