“OH MY GOD, The Monster, The toughest guy of World Wrestling
History and The Real Beast is back”, it was my first response, When I heard
that Gold Berg has joined back WWE after 12 years. Yes the most popular
wrestler of WWE History after Hulk Hogan and most expensive player of WCW
appeared first time on October 17th in Monday Night Raw in last 12 years.
Bill Gold Berg started his career as professional footballer
but after an injury when he felt that he was not enough fast for the game, he
changed his path to professional wrestling and here, he proved himself the fastest
among all and achieved new mile stone that is still unbreakable in the history of
WWE. It seems unbelievable but he was unbeatable in his first more than 100
fights, according to WCW, his unbeatable record that he made during 1997 is
still a challenge for the new blood of professional wrestling. In those days,
when Gold Berg was climbing up the unbeaten success, a phrase “who is next” has
been given him by the audience. When he entered into the ring, started
overwhelming his contender, the audience in the hall started to crying “who is
next” and this was the only noise when Goldberg finished his match on victory.
He got peak when he defeated The Iconic wrestler of WWE; Hulk
Hogan in a match and won the WWE Championship. It was a famous saying “it’s
quite impossible to defeat Goldberg in a neat and clean fight” because whenever
he had been defeated some unfair means were used. During his career he had
rivalries with many of the high profile wrestlers such as Sid, Lax Luger, Triple
HHH, The Rock, Bret hart, Hulk Hogan and Brock Lesnar and he defeated them out.
No one could forget this last match with Brock Lesnar, in which Austin was a
referee in Wrestle Mania XX when he defeated badly Lesnar and gave the message
to the world of Wrestling that He was the real champion.
In his appearance on October 17th in
Monday Night Raw, he again said that he is ready to fight with Brock Lesnar, at any
time, any place, anywhere but Lesnar would be the last, not the next, he added.
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